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Opti Free Replenish Disinfecting Solution Multi-Purpose Enhanced Comfort Twin Pack - 2-10 Fl. Oz.
Disinfecting Solution, Multi-Purpose, Enhanced Comfort, Twin Pack
Lens case included. Reconditions & retains moisture. Advanced cleaning & disinfection. Kills 99.9 % of germs (Based on ISO 14729 testing against the 5 panel organisms). Exclusive formula. Not found in store brands. For use with all soft contact lenses. Cleans. Rinses. Disinfects. Stores. Sterile. Alcon a Novartis company. Opti-Free Replenish solution reconditions the source of the lens to retain moisture, so lenses feel fresh. Cleans & disinfects. Reconditions lenses. Enhanced comfort. Alcon a Novartis company. Most trusted. Brand by Eye Doctors (Multi-Purpose Solution brands. Based on a Survey of Eye Care Professionals, Data on File). Opti-Free Products for Silicone Hydrogel and Soft Contact Lenses: Product: (Opti-Free Express Solution); Benefits (Everyday Comfort); Proprietary ingredients (Tetronic 1304 (Tetronic is a registered trademark of BASF)); Product: (Opti-Free Replenish Solution); Benefits (Enhanced Comfort); Proprietary ingredients (Tearglyde proprietary dual-action system reconditions & retains moisture); Product (Opti-Free Puremoist Solution); Benefits (All day Comfort); Proprietary ingredients (Hydraglyde Moisture Matrix maintains a lasting cushion of moisture). Actual size. Alcon guarantee: The performance of this product is guaranteed. If you are not satisfied with this product for any reason, return the unused portion to Alcon Laboratories for a full refund. Questions or Comments? Call 1-800-757-9195. Please remember to recycle. Made in the USA with Global Materials.
Contains: Warning: Re-use of solution or use of water with lenses may lead to contamination resulting in eye injury and potential loss of vision. Do not reuse or top off old solution left in your lens case since solution reuse reduces effective lens disinfection and could lead to severe infection, vision loss or blindness. See package insert inside carton for complete instructions and additional important safety information. If you are allergic to any of the above ingredients, do not use this product.
Tamper Evident: For your protection, this bottle has an imprinted seal around the neck. Do not use if the seal is damaged or missing at the time of purchase. Remove imprinted seal around bottleneck completely before use. Good lens care practices. Always follow instructions on package insert inside carton. Only use fresh solution to clean and disinfect contact lenses. Discard any remaining solution in your lens case after disinfection. Never reuse solution. Store at room temperature. Keep out of reach of children.
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
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We rely on product packaging and data from third-party sources to provide the content to you, including dietary and allergen content. We do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or availability of such information. Content is for general informational purposes only. You should not rely solely on the information displayed on our website. Actual product may vary. Always read labels, warnings, and directions prior to use or consumption. If you have questions or require more information about a product, please contact the manufacturer directly.
Allergen Notice: Products in our stores may contain, or may have been exposed to, one or more of the following allergens: peanuts, tree nuts, sesame, milk, eggs, wheat, soy, fish and crustacean shellfish.
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